Hating the one you love

I love him.
I'd die for him.
I hate him.
I could easily kill him.
I  hate the one I love. He continues to hurt me...all the time. Even though we are now only "friends" I still feel a connection with him. I hate him because he doesn't love me back, but he still won't let me go. I hate all the pain he has put me through. Yet I could happily just sit next to him...in silence...just enjoy being around him.

He's selfish, cruel, immature and does everything in his power to hurt me. But, every so often I see a fraction of that nice person he was PRETENDING to be.

Anyway...I don't hate him...I just hate the fact I love him.

Postat av: Sebbe din bebbe

Haha okej......värst vad du har gått och blivit känslosam :D

2010-08-06 @ 19:26:11

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